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Can minors drive other minors in California?

Car Accidents

Throughout the U.S., many states have created special rules for underage drivers in an attempt to help them learn to drive more safely. Graduated driver’s license systems often include restrictions for drivers who are ages 16 and 17.

The California Department of Motor Vehicles explains for drivers under the age of 18, there are rules limiting some of the things they may do when driving. These may include things such as holding your permit for a certain amount of time and limiting who can be in your vehicle.


During the first 12 months that you have your license, you must follow the restrictions set by the law. You cannot have anyone in the car with you who is under the age of 20 when you drive alone without a parent or driver over 25. So, if you have big plans to go out with friends, you will all have to drive separately or have your parent or someone older come along.

You also cannot work as a driver for pay. If you have an accident or receive a violation, you can no longer drive without your parent. You also have restrictions on the hours you can drive. You are unable to be on the road between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.


Sometimes, you may need to break the rules. There are exceptions in the law that allow you to do this. You can get a signed note that explains why you need to drive, which might include medical reasons or to get to school. You need to have a note signed by a proper, verifiable authority. For example, if you need to drive to get to and from work during the restricted hours, you need a note from your employer.

Following driving restrictions is essential to avoid further issues and legal trouble.

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