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How can you improve your driving skills?

Personal Injury

One of the hardest parts of recovering from a car accident in California may involve your emotional health. Finding the confidence to drive again when the very thought of getting in a car causes angst, may take some time and even professional intervention to overcome.

Improving your driving skills is one way that you may regain your confidence to drive.

Prepare and watch

Even if you are a great driver, accidents still happen. In fact, according to the California Office of Traffic Safety, in the year 2019, there were over 3,500 traffic fatalities in the state. The more prepared you are, the more focused you can stay on driving and getting safely to your destination. Some things you can do to stay safer include the following:

  • Map out your route ahead of time
  • Allow yourself plenty of time to get to your destination
  • Program your GPS before driving
  • Silence your cellphone
  • Constantly scan the area around you
  • Learn how to safely respond to road hazards

Know your car

You can also improve your driving abilities when you feel comfortable in your vehicle. Prior to leaving anywhere, adjust your mirrors and stirring wheel. Position your seat to where you can comfortably reach all of the controls. If driving an unfamiliar vehicle, take a minute to learn where various controls are so you do not have to figure things out while driving.

Keeping your vehicle well-maintained can also reduce the risks of an accident which can help you feel more confident. With time and practice, you can rebuild your confidence and find driving enjoyable again. Additionally, your desire to improve your driving habits may reduce your risks of injury in an accident.

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