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Tips for healing emotionally after a car accident

Personal Injury

After a car accident, your physician and loved ones may focus on helping you heal from your physical injuries. But after a serious collision, you may also experience symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and other emotional effects.

The American Psychiatric Association defines PTSD as a psychiatric disorder that can occur after you witness a traumatic event, like a car accident. Following the accident, it is important to take steps that can help you protect your mental health and wellbeing, especially if you develop PTSD.

Talk to trusted friends and family

It may be difficult to talk about the car accident and relive this traumatic day. But talking about what happened with a close friend, family member or therapist can help you process this event and move forward.

Stay physically active

Your physical health can directly affect your mental health and exercise can help you reduce stress and anxiety. Commit to daily exercise and active activities approved by your doctor during the recovery process.

Get back to your routine

You may feel overwhelmed at the thought of going back to school, work and your routine. Ease back into his process slowly, so you can start to feel like life has started to return to normal.

A car accident can greatly alter your life in an instant, so it is normal to struggle on an emotional level in the aftermath of the collision. Be patient with yourself as you heal and focus on recovering mentally as well as physically in the days and weeks following the accident.

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