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U-Turn Car Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

California has a mandatory duty of care law for all drivers on the road. Every motorist is responsible for driving with care and caution for other motorists on the road – including performing safe U-turns. The driver making a U-turn does not hold the legal right of way. So if he or she fails to yield as required, a serious accident can occur. If you’ve been a victim of a U-turn accident, contact an auto accident lawyer in Sacramento immediately for help. You are entitled to compensation due to someone else’s negligence.

California U-Turn Laws

Law’s regarding U-turns depend if the turn was done in a residential district, a business district or neither.

In a business district, no one is allowed to make a U-turn except at an intersection or on a divided highway where an opening has been provided. U-turn’s are permitted in a residential district whenever no other cars are approaching yours within 200 feet. This rule does not apply at an intersection controlled by a stop sign or stop light. A residential district is one in which there are at least 16 homes or businesses within a quarter mile. If you are neither in a business district or residential district, the law says you may make a U-turn as long as you have an unobstructed view of the road for 200 feet. This is true even if you cross over double yellow lines as long as those lines are not two or more feet across. U-turn laws can get tricky, especially knowing which district you are in. Contact an attorney immediately for advice, as every case is different.

What to Do After a U-Turn Accident

Those who make illegal or unsafe U-turn’s not only put their lives at risk but also others on the road. If someone fails to yield for oncoming traffic, a side-impact collision can occur, resulting in spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, broken bones and other internal injuries that could have other repercussions like high medical bills and lost wages. If you’ve been involved in a car accident because of someone else’s negligent u-turn, seek medical attention first and then contact an experienced auto accident lawyer in Sacramento immediately. You or your loved one may be entitled to seek compensation for all damages incurred in such an accident.

U-Turns and Motorcycles

If you a motorcyclist, getting struck by a vehicle in a U-turn accident can cause severe injuries. Motorcyclists are already putting their lives at higher risk of catastrophic accidents, but u-turns increase the likelihood of devastating accidents. Motorcycle u-turn accidents sometimes occur because a rider tries to take a turn too fast and winds up crossing another lane of traffic or driving off the road. A rider could also lose control by braking too hard. If a motorcyclist has been negligent in making a U-turn, accidents can occur. Contact an auto accident lawyer in Sacramento immediately.

Wrong Way Car Accident

Wrong-way accidents happen if a car travels into a lane of oncoming traffic or drives the wrong way down a one-way street. On average, about 360 lives are lost each year in about 260 fatal wrong-way collisions. Often, these collisions are head-on or front-end collision and can be extremely deadly. If you or a loved one has been injured in a wrong-way accident, contact an auto accident lawyer in Sacramento immediately for legal representation.

These types of accidents are usually a result of negligent behavior. Sometimes a driver could be lost, tired or drunk. In most cases, wrong-way accidents have the following causes:

  • Drunk driving or influence of other drugs. We hear it over and over again how dangerous drunk driving is. Drugs and alcohol can cause confusion and result in a driver blacking out or misinterpreting signs.
  • Elderly drivers suffering from mental illnesses. It is important all drivers on the road are mentally stable. However, some drivers who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, for instance, can lose the cognitive function to understand or obey signs.
  • Suicidal drivers. Although these may be rare, a person who decides to end his or her life on the road doesn’t usually care for others on the road can, therefore, cause devastating collisions.
  • Medical emergencies. Sometimes, patients who haven’t been treated properly from traumatic brain injuries or untreated injuries can be confused by road signs.
  • Poorly constructed road signs. A missing sign or a poorly placed sign can cause confusion for perfectly stable and mentally sound drivers but can also have severe repercussions on ongoing traffic. In these instances, it’s possible the government entity is responsible for the crash.
  • These accidents, for the most part, could have been prevented. It’s important that if you’ve been a victim of a wrong-way accident, you contact an attorney who can help with your case specifically and get you the compensation you deserve.

Call a Car Accident Lawyer in Sacramento Immediately If You’ve Suffered Injuries from a Car Accident

With over 20 years of experience helping victims get the justice they deserve, we have the resources, dedication, and compassion to get you the compensation you deserve during this difficult time in your life.

Call (916) 357-6767 today for a free consultation with our auto accident lawyer in Sacramento regarding your auto accident injury case.

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