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What is the risk of a backyard trampoline?

Premises Liability

Trampolines are a popular backyard toy, but they are a serious safety risk. Many people will let neighbors or their children’s friends come over to play on the trampoline. Doing this could put you at risk for a liability claim should a child suffer an injury.

Understanding how dangerous trampolines are can help you to decide what to do and prepare yourself to make a safer space for visitors.


The Cleveland Clinic explains trampoline injuries can result from many situations, but the most common are falls. Other issues may come from trying to do stunts, which can result in head, shoulder, neck and back injuries. The springs are another danger that could result in serious injuries.


To keep things safe, you need to install different devices. Your trampoline should have a net around it and covers on the springs. In addition, you should make rules for using the trampoline. Children should never be allowed to play on it without adult supervision. You also might want to enforce a rule that allows only one person at a time on it.

Set up the trampoline on a flat and solid surface as well. Make sure that you check it often for damage. It is also a good idea to limit use to only older children since statistics show younger children are most at risk of injury.

Kids love trampolines, and they can be a great source of exercise. They also are good at keeping kids occupied for a long time. But they are dangerous. Injuries can range from sprains to broken bones. It is important that you take the time to safeguard your trampoline and ensure that you enforce rules to keep users safe.

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